Thanks for stopping by! If we haven't met yet, hi I’m Kat. I feel deeply, love fully and am endlessly curious about humans - Why do we do what we do? How can we optimize ourselves personally and interpersonally?
Health has been a focus of mine from a young age. My parents would always joke about how, “I’m the one toddler they didn’t have to force to eat their broccoli.” I heart broccoli! In third grade I found the mental health reading genre and was hooked. “Other people have thoughts and emotions like me?” What a discovery. Throughout life I’ve jumped onto every sports team that would have me, and took advantage of every travel opportunity that presented itself. All this is to say that, I really am and always have been interested in well-being — physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. It is the the foundation for all of us here.
I really appreciate a natural hygiene approach, which if you aren’t familiar can be summarized by saying - we humans have approximately 30 basic needs. If we aren’t getting adequate dosage to satisfy these needs, we suffer. So, if you are ever having a hard time, take inventory of said needs (examples include: sunlight, water, exercise, rest, art, companionship etc.) As far as drugs and alcohol are concerned, I feel much better without them and have chosen to abstain since 2008.
I’m quite fond of the low fat raw vegan diet and have been raw since 2009, and meat-free since 1995. If you’d like to know more about how I came to this, you can read about my story here. I share diet history because I know others find it helpful but don’t ever like to lead with it. Our health journeys are a part of us but they are not us. Ironically, the wellness world often over-markets people’s struggles and stories, so much so that it becomes their identity. Not something that resonates with me! Friends and strangers ask about my unique choices so I came to sharing online but in day-to-day life, I hardly think or talk about food. My strategy is, let’s figure out a diet that works so we can stop obsessing and move on with life! I’m also what I like to call a non-judgmental vegan. What I eat has nothing to do with someone else’s choices. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, simply share what has worked for me. I’ve also studied nutrition formally, earning my CNP in 2011.
What a big and wonderful and frustrating part of life, huh? One of my most treasured finds in the field of relationship study has been the Nonviolent Communication approach. I’ve been practicing ever since learning about it in 2011.
I grew up in a city but have spent most of the last decade living in the tropics. I genuinely appreciate both scenes.
I’ve travelled a lot, almost too much! There is beauty to be found in every culture and it is one of my greatest joys to wander around a new place, observe alternative ways of living, make new friends and be reminded that we ain’t all that different from one an other ;)
Kat with a k, Green like the color
Not sure what else you’d like to know about me? I LOVE animals, especially dogs. Playing group games makes me happy. Walking is one of my favorite forms of meditation. I’m an INFJ personality with a touch love language and a ☼Taurus, ☽Aquarius, ↑Libra chart.