Grief Therapy
Grief therapy through forest bathing or any other time spent in nature, can feel extraordinarily supportive. Loss of all kinds can really knock us down - have us feeling angry, scared, vulnerable, confused. Coming back to center takes time and for many, nature is an integral part of this healing process. We lose our loved ones, our belongings, our places of employment, we lose our homes, our direction and our health. Death is unavoidable in life and coping is messy. We've not all learned how to let go in a healthy way, we don't always have the resources we would like to help us get through. This darkness can feel lonely, but it will pass. In the meantime be kind to yourself and remember that an aching heart only exists because we were gifted with something truly wonderful. The past is honored through gratitude and an integration of the love that was.
A PRAYER FOR HEALING. . · ∙ ⚘ Processing grief, like any change is different for everyone. There are those who look it right in the eyes and those who compartmentalize. Some stir while others sleep, sisters go quiet while brothers weep. Certain souls are moved to make art, or to move to other cities just to be apart. There is pain in all our hearts I know dear. It’s why anger may fume for some and why others just go numb. It’s why there may be decreased appetite or on the contrary, never ending bites. Inspiration to be present at every chance, or a reason to escape to substance. Know, that it’s alright to crumble into pieces, there’s no judgement for how you need to be. Would you rather lay alone, or be surrounded by family at home? Would you like to reminisce, or would spreading the ashes bring you bliss? It’s whatever you require Love, even if it’s all of the above. However you seek release & comfort, however you come to feel complete - there is no wrong or right on this journey to ease. May you too rest in peace.