Beginner Mistakes
If you’re new to raw these two videos will be vital to your journey. Set yourself up for success by keeping these 15 mistakes in mind.
1. Misinterpreting the Cause of Blood Test Results - Don't forget how long you spent living your previous lifestyle. Your genetics and the choices you made in your past show up today. Don't automatically your results (for better or worse) have been brought about by this new raw vegan diet.
2. Undereating - THIS IS SO COMMON! Are you experiencing lack of motivation, low "energy", mentally spacey, hangry, headaches, unwanted weight loss? You might be undereating. Track your calories with a website like or an app like My Fitness Pal and make sure you are getting enough for your fitness level and lifestyle. (On really active days I can eat up to 3500 cals myself.)
3. Unnecessary Concern Over Bathroom Trips - You are now eating high water content foods! Compared to cooked (dehydrated) meals prior, newbies often experience shock with how many times they are taking bathroom breaks. It’s okay, it’s healthy to pee when you’re consuming as much water as you are. Expect ~ 10x a day and clear.
4. Being Judgemental of Other Diets - Who does this benefit? No one.
5. Changing Themselves to "Fit In" - There is no one definition of a raw vegan. Be yourself, continue to do what makes your heart happy.
6. Not Identifying Detox as Such - You may go through an unpleasant time at the start of your transition. Don't let this deter you.
7. Falling Back Into Unhealthy Eating Because of Cravings - Often people start to reintroduce cooked food. This can be a slippery slope! With yummy low fat raw vegan alternatives there is no need for this.
8. Expecting Change to Happen Right Away - Be patient! You didn't acquire your current undesirable symptoms overnight, change isn't going to happen over night either. Have long term goals. Forget about losing ten pounds by Friday. Results may come a few months, or years down the line.
9. Overspending Money - Buy in bulk, shop at farmer's markets, eat locally, grown. You don't need superfoods, fancy retreats, or expensive kitchen equipment.
10. Not Drinking Enough Water - Make sure you are peeing clear ~10x per day. Depending on your activity level, 1.5-3 liters is recommended. Feeling light-headed, tired, hungry, poor athletic preformance etc. These are all some of the symptoms of dehydration.
11. Neglected Dental Care - A teeth care regiment you are comfortable with is vital. This may include flossing, brushing, a water pic, natural mouth wash etc. Also, minimize dried fruits, unripe fruit, and stay hydrated!
12. Blaming Diet for Perceived Muscle Loss - Sorry, you weren't as buff as you thought!
13. Eating Unripe Fruit - This is bad for teeth health and digestion. Unripe fruit is less sweet and less nutritious. Get educated about how to pick ripe fruit and satisfy that sweet tooth!
14. Not Taking A Holistic Approach to Health - Don't get caught focusing on one aspect of health alone. Look into the principals of Natural Hygiene.
15. High Fat Diet (High Gourmet, Nuts/ Seeds) - Poor digestion, clouded mental state, fatigue, hunger and more! These are all symptoms of a gourmet raw food diet. Try to keep your fat and salt intake down, focus more on mono meals.