Why Should I Change?

Whether it's a physical ailment like acne, bloating, fatigue, diabetes, or eczema, or a mental issue like anxiety, depression, negative thinking; consider that freedom is possible.

Humans, we do adapt, a key function for our survival. We can adjust to put up with a lot - but just because we are coping with our situation doesn't mean we are necessarily thriving. We may be introducing low level stressors that we’re unaware of. We may be unknowingly polluting ourselves with food, thoughts, alcohol & drugs. Their affects not seen right away, or the direct connection not apparent. The reality is that, feeling even the negative the effects of poor consumption habits may be comforting. But, once we transition to being our healthier selves, we adjust and set new standards. Our tastes change, our body transforms, our mind thinks differently - our old ways now unappealing.


Fruit Hunting


Bloating & Digestion