Easy Ways to Destress
This is an ASMR video. If you're not into the whispering or sound triggers, peek below for a quick guide to the tips I discuss in the vid. This list focuses on accessible tools - ones that can be accessed alone and on a minimal budget.
Self Massage → Using hands or tools:
Squash Ball (Any one will do)
Massage Rollers. Any “massage roller stick” or “muscle pin roller” will do.
Body Positioning → Try your feet up the wall, place a weight on your chest, stomach or pelvis, raise your hands above your head while lying. Move from standing to sitting on a couch, try lying down.
Minimize Sensory Inputs → Use blackout curtains, eye masks, hats, sun glasses, screen flux, mouth guards, sweaters, blankets, pillows, bolsters, ear plugs.
Deep Breathing
Release Held Tension → Scan the body (browns, shoulders, hands etc.) Mind your fidgets. Try tensing certain muscles to exaggerate the release.
Audio input → Switch on “relaxing music” on your favorite platform. Search out meditative or calming talking videos. You found this one, good job ;)